Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The BEST piece of news I've heard yet....

With Repubican'ts lining up to bid for the top job in the Public Sector, a REAL Conservative has FINALLY spoken up...

Jim DeMint (Senator from South Carolina) has stated that he's "considering" a run for President in 2012.

All I can say is: THANK GOD!

DeMint is an ACTUAL Conservative.

And, although it SEEMS like my endorsement of him violates my rule about candidates (the Congressmen and Senators shouldn't be elected, because they typically don't know anything about business), DeMint is DECIDEDLY different. He founded a research firm, which means that he's ACTUALLY managed people in his career (unlike Obama and MOST of the rest of Democrats)...

I hope he enters the race.....

Hirota: out!

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