Monday, January 13, 2014

Not too tough to figure out.....

Folks, this is Lena Dunham....the "Madonna" and "Britney" and "LiLo" and "Sarah Silverman of "girls".

She, like her heroes, will do anything....ANYTHING....for attention.

Is it about the beauty of the nude body? Nope.
If it were, I'd be fine with it.

Is it a bold "I'm not a skinny runway model....SO WHAT!" statement? Nope.
If it were, I'd applaud.


It's a "I'll do ANYTHING for just a little attention!"

And, "I'll do EVEN MORE if a couple bucks are in it for me!!!!"

In this light, I think I'd rather have pix of Janet Reno naked, in a bathtub with Madeline Albright.

Hirota: otut.

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