Thursday, January 23, 2014

Unusual? No.

Garden-variety Liberalism. Standard practice for the Democrats:

Wendy Davis' people are doing anything surprising, here, folks.

Wellll......not surprising for  Democrats, anyway.

This is standard operating procedure.

But hang on, folks......let's look at the bigger picture here.....

Making fun of....dehumanizing.....a paraplegic?

Well, let's see......

Democrats, through their ABSOLUTELY clear history of legislated discrimination (pro-slavery, anti-women's right to vote, pro-abortion, publicly-funded embryonic stem cell research, anti-Civil-rights-act, etc etc etc....) have set up a system of LEGAL discrimination, mostly against whites and women.

And, through history, Democrats have backed their discrimination with physical violence.

So, now they are laughing at another segment of humanity that they CLEARLY consider "less than human".......

Geee.....I WONDER where that will lead.....

Slaves were not fully human (deserving of ALL "Unalienable Rights")

Then it was women.

Then it was blacks.....AGAIN!

Then it was the unborn.

Then it was a doubling down on the unborn.

Next stop:

- The aged

- The infirmed

- The "less desirable", according to them.

Folks, either EVERYONE is equal, or NO ONE is.

Hirota: out.

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