Friday, January 24, 2014

Smart, two ways

Check out what Scott Walker (you remember him...the guy that took on the Unions in Wisconsin, AND WON!) is doing:

Before I get to the main point, Let me first say that this strategy (giving back the surplus revenues) is EXACTLY what Clinton SHOULD have done during his Presidency. Yet, he didn't and, before the end of his terms, America slid deeply into recession (inherited by Bush).

Folks (well....those who pay taxes), as the Government grabs your money each paycheck, accumulating it throughout the year, there is a reasonable expectation that, if it's determined that too much money was grabbed, the 'overage' would be given back to you in the form of a rebate.

The Government, in ALL respects, SHOULD BE DOING THE SAME THING WITH IT'S SURPLUSES. Have a surplus? GIVE IT BACK! (Better yet, don't take it in the first place!)

Yet, in the Clinton years, you paid your taxes.......then you OVERPAID your taxes and developed a nice big surplus for the Government. Then, with regard all that extra money, Clinton said: F*** YOU, AMERICANS, IT'S MY MONEY NOW!

Back to the point.

Walker is doing something VERY smart here.

First: he's giving back surplus (imagine a recession economy, he's running a surplus! That's what happens when you have Conservatives running things). This will ABSOLUTELY energize the economy EVEN MORE in Wisconsin. Brilliant.

Second: If passed, then VERY positive results will be time for the 2016 election cycle. Obama has FAILED in energizing our economy. EVERY Democrat Governor and state legislature has FAILED in energizing our economy. Hillary....well.....Hillary has failed in EVERYTHING with which she's been involved....

.....Then comes Scott Walker. The guy who ACTUALLY fulfilled his campaign promises. The guy who fought the unions AND WON. The guy who fought a recall....AND WON...

...and the midst of a HORRIFIC national economy, the Governor and architect of a VERY successful state economy.

Watch and see, folks.

This just may be Walker's first volley shot for the 2016 election cycle.....

Hirota: out

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