Friday, March 28, 2014

A hanging curve, and EVERYONE missed it.

This interview, in its entirety, is worth watching.

(I'll state, for the record, that I'd enjoy having a beer with Carville. Even though I agree with almost NOTHING in which he believes or supports, I also believe that he speaks from what HE believes is the truth.....which is FAR more than I can say for almost ANY other Liberal)

A hanging curve ball.....and they have ALL seemed to have been caught looking!

Among the MANY comments, one in particular.

(begin exchange):

O'REILLY: Now, last night on "SPECIAL REPORT", Charles Krauthammer used the "l" word.

CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: They were lying when they said it wouldn't change, the deadline wouldn't change. Everyone knew they were lying. And now nobody is surprised that they are lying and nobody really cares about it apparently.

O'REILLY: And joining us now from New Orleans to reply Democratic strategist James Carville. I might tell everybody that Mr. Carville believes Obamacare is good for the nation, will eventually work and has said that repeatedly on this program so there's no need to say it again because everybody knows that.

However, what I do want to say is that Charles Krauthammer came flat out and said they lied. That means intentionally. A lie is when you know you are uttering a falsehood not that circumstances changed.


O'REILLY: And the evidence is pretty tough that maybe they were lying. And you say?

CARVILLE: I say that what they said was if you had gone to enroll prior to -- March 31st or before that, they'll extend it for two weeks. If I tell my students at Tulane absolutely due on Monday and they come to me and said Professor Carville I started working on it and it's taking a little longer. And I said look ok I'll give to you until Tuesday. Did I lie maybe? I changed my mind.

O'REILLY: All right they changed their mind.

CARVILLE: These are for people that change their mind.

O'REILLY: Ok if I'm the teacher in Tulane because it costs so much money to go there. I impose discipline on the students and I say the paper is due this date and you are going to have it on this day.


O'REILLY: And if you can't I'm going to take a couple of grades off your paper.


O'REILLY: That's what I do. Ok now so --

CARVILLE: That might make me a weak teacher. But it wouldn't make me a liar just making the guy to change their mind.

(end exchange)

WOW! That comment again:

"That might make me a weak teacher..."

Folks, Carville admits that Obama is a weak leader because (among other things....LTS of other things), his "changing of mind" on Obamacare.

Now, let's be real: he didn't change his mind. He was lying. And he instructed his people to ALSO lie.

...which, of course, not only makes him weak, but makes his a fraud.....and a liar......and a gutless coward.

But...we already know that.

Hirota: out.

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