Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Open memo to the GOP, and Conservatives......

(No, they aren't synonymous)

I occurs to me that we, Conservatives, really have nothing to say, with respect to the Ukraine disaster.

Obviously, Putin can do pretty much whatever he wants, since knows that Obama, Kerry and the Democrats are gutless and will do nothing but sit on their collective thumbs. The same holds true with Venezuela, North Korea, Iran, Syria, blah blah blah.....

But, again, we have nothing to say.


Because WE, Conservatives, are acting just like Obama, Kerry and the Democrats, in response to the REMARKABLE violations to, and attacks on, our Constitution, by Obama and the Democrats.

Of COURSE they think they can do whatever they want.

No one has attempted to prove them wrong.

No one has tried to stop them in ANY meaningful way.

Hirota: out.

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