Thursday, March 13, 2014


With (Liberal) Republicans (like John Boehner) now working in tandem with Democrats (ALL of whom are Liberal), amnesty will surely happen.

Let me tell you what will happen after-the-fact (by the way......proponents KNOW this, but they do not care.)

Amnesty Bill will pass.

Along with it, or soon after, a new minimum wage law (being supported by the same people) will be pushed through.

Unemployment will immediately increase (and will not stop).

Because of new minimum wage, a WHOLE new influx of illegals will flood America, replacing the workforce at MUCH lower wage.

All the new "Americans" will now be on the Government teet, since THEIR jobs will be the most vulnerable to the new flood of illegals.

An endless spiral, straight down.

And YOU, through inaction, are letting it happen.

Hirota: out.

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