Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Code word: SUCCESS

When Barry calls something a "success", you'd better run for cover...

Every bailout has been called a success by Obama; that's why we are back into a VERY deep recession. It's also why we are experiencing the largest debt in our nation's history.

Obamacare was called a "success"...which is why over 1000 major corporations have received exemptions for its enactment.

...And now, Obama has characterized the Libyan mission "a success"...which is why, only a week or so into the mission, the coalition is ALREADY falling apart, entirely without leadership, gameplan, exit stategy or objectives.

It would seem that Obama's characterization of ANYTHING must be viewed as "opposite day"...

To quote Sarah Silverman in "School of Rock": "Oh my GOD....he's an IDIOT!"

Hirota: out.

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