Monday, March 21, 2011

Remember Abu Ghraib?

You OUGHT to, folks. Liberals pounced on this story of the prison camp interrogation, humiliation-of-detainees, and resulting unfathomably stupid photo-takers as, yet another, "bash Bush" and "resign the war" ploy. Mostly, though, it was the Bush thing......anything they thought might make our President look bad was Holy Gospel to Liberals (like they'd know what "Holy Gospel" is...).

Well, now we have something FAR worse: soldiers killing civilians, then posing with the bodies. WTF!? Idiots.

It's Abu Graib times 1000.

BUT, it would seem now that the press, along with the White House, are working feverishly to bury the story.

.....I wonder why....

(No...really....I wonder why: I mean, it's not like Obama can look like a BIGGER idiot....)

Hirota: out.

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