Thursday, March 24, 2011

Remember when....?

I think it was in 2005....

President Bush attempted to exit a room through a locked door.

Remember how the press hounded him about it?
Remember how Liberals just couldn't leave it alone?
Remember how the Socialist blogosphere erupted with hostile vitriol:
- "Bush has no exit strategy"
- " Who is really surprised by another stupid move by the dumbest man on earth?"
Ah...yes....the memories...

Well, until today, that is.

Seems as the "smartest man in the world" tried to walk through a locked door...AT THE WHITE HOUSE! If Bush is dumb...what exactly does this make Obama???

Oh...and, BTW...this is his second early 2009, Obama attempted to walk through a WINDOW at The White House...

So....WHO is the dumbest? WHO has no exit strategy?

Hirota: out!

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