Thursday, September 29, 2011

FINALLY: some truth

Obama, in a rare moment (of truth), said:

“I did not love every class I took. I wasn’t always paying attention the way I should have. I remember when I was in 8th grade I had to take a class called ethics. Now, ethics is about right and wrong, but if you’d ask me what my favorite subject was back in 8th grade, it was basketball. I don’t think ethics would have made it on the list.”

To the part of the quote about not paying attention, obviously Obama was talking about his classes on Constitutional law.

As to the rest, well......DUH!

Hirota: out.


Michelle S. said...

Ahh, Yes. He certainly missed the entire concept of ethics and apparently never looked back as evidenced by his behavior and every word that comes out of his piehole.

Common Sense said...

AMEN, Michelle!