Friday, September 9, 2011

REAL "hope and change", Mississippi style....

In Mississippi, a ballot measure has been approved for vote in the upcoming 2012 General Election. Officially "Ballot Measure #26", and titled "Should the term “person” be defined to include every human being from the moment of fertilization, cloning, or the equivalent thereof?" (link of text provided below), Mississippians (I assume that's what they're referred-to as...) will have a chance to act in defense of, and legally protect the God-given, unalienable, fundamental rights granted to EVERY human being; rights that, up to this point, have been grossly violated by Liberals.

And make NO mistake about it: the dehumanization of the unborn is 100% a product of Liberalism, as expressed through The Democratic Party, who protect, defend and expand the 1973 Roe v Wade decision, and who, in frank honestly, revel in the butchery of the most innocent of all humans.

Throughout American history, the Democratic Party has proven to be the party of "legislated inequality", from their protection of slavery, to their excluding blacks and women from voting rights, to "hate crime" legislation, to "women's rights" laws, to abortion law, to embryonic stem cell research. At the root of ALL these wildly discriminatory, unconstitutional pieces of legislation
is...The Democratic Party. Although, I freely admit that what has aided in this march to Marxism has been a "silent (Conservative) majority".

The Ballot Measure in Mississippi is important for a couple reasons, in addition to THE MOST important reason: protection of the rights of the unborn (or rather, the ESTABLISHMENT of human rights for the unborn).

First, along with South Dakota, a systematic attack on "Roe" IS necessary to eventually overturn this "abortion" of a law. More states following suit WILL lead to the most profound (and necessary) equal rights legislation, along with the abolition of slavery, in our nation's history.

In actuality, overturning Roe v Wade, just like the abolition of slavery or women's suffrage, restores the Constitution to it's original language, it's original intent and acts to reverse the damage caused by FAR too many years of Liberalism.

Second, placing Ballot Measure 26 on the ballot in the 2012 general election will bring Conservative voters to the polls. Of course, although it can be argued that an equal reaction from hardcore Marxists will ALSO come out to vote...against it..., the reality is there are more Conservatives than Liberals in America (as proven by the 2004 election, when thirteen states had "gay marriage" on the ballot: ALL 13 states defeated the proposals and those thirteen states carried Bush to his second term). And, since it is IMPERATIVE that Conservatives get out and vote for Conservative candidates, ballot measures like #26 will help to regain the Senate, hold and grow the House and, perhaps, recapture the Oval Office.

BRAVO to Mississippi! I hope those great people will take up the challenge in defense of our innocents.

And, I hope that other states place on THEIR ballots, other measures that DIRECTLY attack Liberalism ("Gay Marriage", "Single Payer Health care", Gun Control legislation, etc).

Folks: Liberals have declared war on our nation.

Don't we owe it to our future generations to preserve our freedom and liberty?

Hirota: out.

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