Sunday, September 25, 2011

Obama's black half....

I dunno.....if I was Obama's black half, I'd be pretty upset!

Obama, in his address to the Congressional Black Caucus this weekend, told blacks to quit crying and complaining and "put on your marching shoes" for jobs an opportunity.

Carped The Little 'O':

“Take off your bedroom slippers. Put on your marching shoes. Shake it off. Stop complainin’. Stop grumblin’. Stop cryin’. We are going to press on. We have work to do.”

From a diction, inflection and grammar standpoint, it was painfully obvious that Obama's white half was mocking his black half, fundamentally suggesting that blacks get off their lazy asses and get to work.

Yet, the blacks in the CBC didn't seem to mind being told what to do. In fact, they applauded Obama....ALL of him!

I guess y'all isn't ready fo' dat which dem half-white folks gits....

...has a nice day, y'all!

Hirota: out.

1 comment:

Michelle S. said...

I crack up at your tone. Too funny!