Sunday, September 11, 2011

Pointing out the obvious

Today, the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, is not only an appropriate day of remembrance (the fallen, their families, the heroes), and not only a day of renewal (the mission, the commitment and our nation's resolve), but also a day of shameful reminder.

Personally, I don't need a "9/11 anniversary" for ANY of the reasons listed above because I, like ALL Conservatives, LIVE these remembrances and renewals each and every day.

The 9/11 motto, "NEVER FORGET", for Conservatives, actually means "NEVER FORGET!"

But I would be remiss in NOT reminding people, on this anniversary, of something else of equal importance:


Post WWII, after the atrocities committed by the "Nazi Party" (in actuality, the "National Socialist Party") were fully uncovered, Americans (and certainly, most people around the world) vowed, "NEVER AGAIN!"

At that moment, the world vowed to learn a horrific lesson and to never allow such atrocities to take place again.

...until Socialists such as Chairman Mao and Pol Pot came along; perpetrating the same acts of aggression against their own people and butchering FAR more that even Hitler was capable...

But all these butchers had two things in common: first, they were Socialists; believers in Marx and Engle, believers in one, all-powerful, controlling Government. Second, in order to execute their plans of genocide and total control, they operated almost entirely without resistance; either from the people OR from outside intervention.

Fast-forward to more recent times, in the mid-90's, an genocide took place in Rwanda. Hutu's (MUSLIMS) butchered around ONE MILLION Tutsis (Christians). This was, without question, a religious genocide, but this one ushered in a new and frightening aspect: it happened IN FULL VIEW OF, AND COMPLETE AWARENESS OF, THE AMERICAN PRESIDENT (Bill Clinton).

Although Clinton denies, to this day, any knowledge of the genocide in Rwanda, CIA documents and other internal White House memorandum released under the FOIA, have demonstrated, conclusively, that he was FULLY aware of the genocide.

Worse, those memorandum ALSO have proven that Clinton PREVENTED his administration (and the United Nations Security Council) from acting to stop the atrocities in Rwanda.

So the world that has once vowed, "NEVER AGAIN", instead decided, "WE DON'T CARE!"

And today, ten short years after the butchery of 9/11, one thing is PAINFULLY obvious:


President Obama, along with the rest of the Democratic Party...all Socialists...who originally chanted "NEVER FORGET" as if it were the theme of the prom, have now OBVIOUSLY forgotten. And, just as Clinton, another Socialist, did with Rwanda, are now turning their eyes from the VERY REAL threat of Islamic Fascism.

Through a campaign of appeasement and capitulation, along with campaigns against private property rights and private gun ownership (two hallmarks of ALL acts of genocide in the 20th Century) the Democratic Party is attempting to set the stage for genocide in America which, in truth, has already existed since 1973.

For those who scoff and believe that genocide is "a thing of the past" and "could never happen in America", consider this:

The list of genocides, POST-WWII, worldwide, include:

Kim Il Sung
Yakubu Gowon
Leonid Brezhnev
Jean Kambanda
Saddam Hussein
Fumimaro Konoe
Jonas Savimbi
Mullah Omar
Idi Amin
Yahya Khan
Charles Taylor
Foday Sankoh
Ho Chi Min
Michel Micombero
Slobodan Milosevic
Hassan Turabi

ALL of these butchers, at some point, decided simply that some aspect of humanity was deemed "not worthy of protecting".

And, right here in America, since 1973, and continuing AS I WRITE THIS BLOG, our own genocide is taking place, IN THE FULL KNOWLEDGE OF, FULL CONSENT OF, the Socialists in our Government: THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY.

But Democrats have, just as Clinton did in Rwanda, introduced a new phase of genocide. Democrats today are not only aware of the American Genocide, THEY ACT TO PROTECT AND EXPAND IT, LEGALLY.

Of course, the genocide of which I speak is abortion, which has claimed FIFTY TWO MILLION to date (which is more that Hitler AND Stalin.....COMBINED).

At what point will a brave group of people act to stop this madness?

Hirota: OUT.

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