Sunday, October 9, 2011

An open memo to Nancy Pelosi...


On ABC's "This Week", you commented on how Republicans, who object to the "Occupy Wall Street" protests didn't protest the Tea Party demonstrations. This odd, seeming, hypocrisy, baffled you. And, you seemed delighted to use this circumstance to put Republicans down.

But, what you don't seem to realize is that the only thing you've really accomplished is, well, actually, TWO things:

- You've given the citizenry of America (and the world, for that matter) a wonderful example of the difference between Liberals and Conservatives. Conservatives, who, irrespective of party affiliation, comprise "The Tea Party", demostrate peacefully. They have a SPECIFIC set of grievances. They are utterly disinterested in their "15 minutes of fame". And, when the demonstrations are finished, they clean up the location and peacefully leave.

Liberals (again, irrespective of party affiliation) who comprise the "occupy" mob, have NO enumerated grievances. They display pure anti-semitism, racism and classism. They assault law enforcement. They defecate on police cars. They pretty much act like pissed-off gorilla's in a zoo who throw feces at tourists. This Liberal mob isn't interested in ANYTHING but their "15 minutes of fame" and will do ANYTHING to achieve it.

- Nancy, in attempting to find some hypocrisy in this instance, you've only pointed out Liberal hypocrisy. You Liberals condemned President Reagan for the Iran Contra scandal, but actively support and defend Obama and Holder in their role in the "fast and furious" scandal. Nancy, isn't that rather gigantically hypocritical?

Nancy, thank you SO VERY much for opening your highly botox'd mouth. For, each time you do, Conservatives learn a little more about the dangers of Liberalism and Liberals have a slightly harder time performing the "rationale gymnastics" required to continue supporting the cause...

Hirota: out.

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