Tuesday, October 4, 2011

To Conservatives, it's called "hypocrisy". To Liberals, well....it's just par for the course

Michael Moore (you know him: gigantically obese, unbathed maker of exceedingly crappy movies that address the part of the brain which also governs digesting and defecating...) stated today, "I think that, not only is this going to continue (the Wall Street-type protests), these cities that you mentioned. This is what is so wonderful about this. There really isn't anything driving this other than what Wall Street has done and what those who are in charge of our economy have done (in charge of the economy? Hey....wait...I thought that that was Obama and the Democrats???). They weren't just happy enough with multi-billions, they wanted tens of hundreds of billions, maybe even trillions, so --" (HEY! Wait a minute....I thought that "tens of hundreds of billions WAS trillions?!)

(Here's where the equally reasoning-challenged, self-loathing Keith Olberman helps Moore with a word that, although both are likely poster-children for, neither know the meaning of...):

Olbermann: "Kleptomania."

Back to Michael "too-many-cheeseburgers" Moore: "They're kleptomaniacs, is what they are. They're out of control. I think there is some sort of sociopathic illness and they know what us to life in a kleptocracy. Where the kleptomaniacs run the show. This is going to spread. I said this last week, I said it two weeks ago when I first spoke with you. And the mainstream media was trying to pooh-pooh this, 'oh it's just a feud down there, don't worry.' Well what happened Saturday, not just here, but as you said in Boston, LA, in Chicago and elsewhere."

Kind of funny.....there's Moore, castigating "the wealthy", while his net worth is somewhere in the neighborhood of $50 million (estimated).


Hirota: out.

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