Thursday, March 1, 2012

How's that ol' "womens rights" crap working out????

Gendercide in China....

So, in order to control it's population, China aborts baby girls....LOTS of them. In fact, the OVERWHELMING majority of abortions that take place in China are of female fetuses.

(If it weren't such a tragedy, it'd almost be funny....)

A couple things come to mind:

- The idiots in America who support abortion (Liberals: The DNC an "Women's rights" groups), are pretty much getting the big "F*** YOU" from the Chinese....

- BUT....why should these groups even care? After all, according to THEIR own literature, all these female fetuses aren't even human.....

Folks, like it or not, this is EXACTLY where we are headed in America. Don't believe me? Keep in mind that YOUR "President" advocates infanticide....

Hirota: out.

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