Sunday, March 25, 2012


Ya know....

Sometimes (well......more than just 'sometimes'...) Liberals are breathtaking in their way of reasoning...

Take David Plouffe (White House senior advisor to Obama). Today, defending Obamacare, Plouffe said, "By the way, Mitt Romney is the Godfather of our healthcare plan."


Folks.....think: this statement is like a kid, having just been caught setting fire to his house and burning it to the ground, gets caught by a parent who says, "What the hell were you thinking!?!?"

By way of answering, the kid points to the neighbor's kid and says, "But he told me to do it!"

Now, folks.....has that excuse EVER worked? EVER?????

Yet, in Liberal land, it seems to work just fine. In fact, around 46% of Americans are saying, "Oh...really? The neighbor's kid told you to do it? Well....that's different! No problem.....carry on.....keep up the great job! By the way.....NICE FIRE!"

Hirota: out!

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