Monday, March 5, 2012

McCain.....just keeps proving that he is a Liberal...

"Wikileaks" just released some interesting info....

No real surprise, but the Democratic Party tried (successfully) to illegally fix the '08 election.

AND, when McCain found out, he did......NOTHING. Said he was afraid that public knowledge of these crimes PERPETRATED BY THE DEMOCRATS could result in civil unrest.

My response?

SO WHAT!?!? The founding of our nation....the establishment of it's freedoms and liberties, as well as the severe restriction of Government's reach.....was a matter of "civil unrest": the great people of this soon-to-be new country, in recognizing that their current Government (then, Britain, today the Obama administration) was no longer operating within ANY moral, ethical, legal boundaries, embarked on a path that, though bloody, established THE GREATEST SOCIETY IN HISTORY.

OBVIOUSLY, it is time to RE-establish this society...

McCain had his chance and threw it away.

Who's next?

Hirota: out.

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