Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Our "broken" Congress

Congress is broken! Our system is BROKEN! Government is BROKEN!

Heard those lines? (Only about every two seconds, from the media!)

But, IS our system of government "broken"?

The simple answer is: NO.

In fact, how our Government is currently conducting it's business (or, more recently, PREVENTING some types of business from being done) is EXACTLY how our system is SUPPOSED to work. THIS is why there are THREE branches of Government (to Liberals, this means: Obama, Reid and Pelosi).

Additionally, this is WHY there is a "balance of powers" in Government.

When our Government get too one-sided (as it was from '08-'10), those in power attempt to grab FAR too much power and vastly, UNCONSTITUTIONALLY, grow Government.

So, as in '10, voters reacted, specifically to bring balance BACK to Goverenment.

So, now they fight. And they disagree. AND, ultimately, that balance prevents Socialism in America.

To Liberals: your Socialist agenda has been slowed and, in some cases, stopped. YOU LOSE.

To Conservatives: REMEMBER.....this is EXACTLY why you voted for Conservatism in ' STOP the growth of Socialism in the United States!

So, IS Goevrnment broken?'s working as the Framers intended...EXACTLY as they intended.

Now, all we need is to bring balance to the Senate AND the White Hosue...

Hirota: OUT!

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