Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Dorner, the Pro-Obama, Pro-Hillary, Pro-GUN-CONTROL (WTF???) psycho ex-cop has become a HERO to Liberals.

A Hero.

How very pathetic.

But, in truth, this should come as no surprise. After all, look at a few of the other Liberal heroes...

Bill Clinton (philanderer, Whitewater, Rwanda genocide ignorer, perjurer).
Hillary Clinton (Whitewater, "Hillarycare", Benghazi-ignorer).
Alcee Hastings (Disbarred Florida judge.....bribery.)
Che Guevara (butcher, torturer, stated that, if he had a nuclear weapon, he'd detonate in NYC)
Madonna ("I'll do ANYTHING for money")
Britney Spears (no comment)

On and on.....

The worse a person is, the more Liberals love them.

To paraphrase that old saying....

"TURDS of a feather..."

Hirota: out.

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