Wednesday, February 13, 2013

You'd THINK so.....

....but you'd be WRONG!

Check out this video of Steny Hoyer:

Now, you'd think that, even in the world of politics, there'd be things done or statements made that are simply TOO stupid to take seriously, much less believe.

For instance, when Obama and Biden say, "We (the government) need to spend our way out of this recession", unless you're a Liberal, it isn't too difficult to figure out that this makes NO sense whatsoever.

Or, when Hillary, Pelosi and Obama say that, "...abortion should be safe, legal and rare", while, at the same time, they vastly expand abortion "rights" so as to wildly increase the 800,000+ that ALREADY occur per year in the US, again....unless you are a Liberal, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the absurdity in the statement.

.....then Steny Hoyer came along.....

....and set the record for "history's most stupid and absurd statement".

Evidently, America, according to Hoyer, doesn't have a "spending problem". Nope. Rather, America has a "paying for" problem.

(This reminds me of that old joke: "HOW can I be out of money??? I still have checks left!!!")

The level of stupidity required not only to MAKE this statement but to then BELIEVE this statement is something that ONLY a Liberal can fathom....since they live in it EVERY day.

One has to assume that Liberals have no gag reflex, because not only is bullshit swallowed, in buckets, but they're left BEGGING....PRAYING....for more.


.....but variety....Liberalism.

Hirota: out.

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