Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Did you hear the news?

Turns out that Tom DeLay was acquitted on ALL charges this week!

Certainly, Liberals remember Tom......it took, what, 5 Grand Juries to indict him on charges ranging from bribery to illegal fundraising, blah blah blah.....

Liberals remember this, specifically, because they point to DeLay as the very personification of Republican corruption.

The cool thing about being a Liberal, now, is that they'll STILL point to Delay.....as the very personification of Republican corruption.

This is where anchoring comes in....

Liberals see the one thing: an indictment.

Now.....FOREVER.....DeLay is a criminal. Acquittal doesn't matter. And acquittal will NEVER matter, because acquittal doesn't fit the narrative.

Other anchoring issues?

According to Liberals:
- John Kennedy was a great, righteous person
- The are no WMD's in Iraq
- Al Qaeda isn't in Iraq
- John Kerry is a brilliant thinker
- Obama is a great leader
- Hillary is competent

FARRRRR to many examples to write down.....

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