Thursday, September 12, 2013

Oh......wait..... developments in Syria....

Folks, anyone with even a modicum of common sense (which eliminates The Democratic Party) would key on VERY important words "according to Syrian rebels" in this report.

According to the rebels?

Kinda makes you think.....

Let's see......earlier this week, THIS report was released, proving that rebels have, recently, been in possession of sarin. (Hmmmm....what was the chemical used in the recent attacks?)

And....let's see.....why would rebels claim that Assad, again, used chemical weapons?

I mean, it's not like they'd stand to gain anything if America bombed the bejesus out of Assad and his regime.

I mean, C'MON, rebels?!?! Seriously??????

Do you really think you're going to get away with this ridiculous, OBVIOUS lie???

Do you think you're dealing a bunch of idiots, in Obama and Kerry??

Do you have this crazy notion that Kerry is the most feckless, inept, flaccid Secretary of State since....well, since Hillary??

Do you think that Obama is in WAYYYYYYYYYYYY over his pencil-shaped head??

Do you think that the UN is just going to stand around with their collective thumbs up their asses??

Do you take Obama and Kerry for two morons who are being bitch-slapped by Putin and Iran??


Hirota: knowing what's coming.....

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