Dianne Feinstein, who never misses an opportunity to try to turn America into the Warsaw ghettos, has proclaimed....IMMEDIATELY....that it's time to renew the push for abolishing the Second Amendment.
The investigation into this tragedy has barely begun, yet Liberals have already concluded that:
a. The killer was a Right Winger.
b. Guns were the reason for this tragedy.
c. Guns must be strictly controlled.
d. The killer was a religious nut.
Amazing......to be able to figure ALL that out with precisely ZERO ACTUAL details....other than some guy went on a rampage on a Naval Base....
There's a concept in psychology...."anchoring" or "focalism"....which explains WHY Liberals make these ridiculous, unfounded, unsupported, AND NEARLY ALWAYS WRONG, pronouncements.
And, it explains why they make these pronouncements IMMEDIATELY.
Anchoring is described as:
"During normal decision making, individuals anchor, or overly rely, on specific information or a specific value and then adjust to that value to account for other elements of the circumstance. Usually once the anchor is set, there is a bias toward that value."
You see, folks, when idiots like Obama, Feinstein and Piers Morgan make these outlandish, groundless claims, they know....KNOW....that soft-headed people (just like them) will assume these idiotic statements to be gospel truth, will, without hesitation or question, accept them as truth, and will, from that moment, believe NOTHING that strays from those statements.
So, its VERY important to understand, Liberals will now ONLY believe that this insane person is a Right Wing extremist.
They'll ONLY believe that guns MUST be banned.
They will NEVER believe the bits of news released today......THAT THIS IDIOT WAS A LIBERAL, OBAMA SUPPORTER!
AND.....they'll never believe that, once again, a massacre occurred IN A "GUN-FREE ZONE" which, by the way, is a gun-free zone BECAUSE OF BILL CLINTON, who, in 1993, disarmed all military personnel on military bases.
And, frankly, shame on the people who listen to these clowns.....these VERY dangerous clowns....
Hirota: out.
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