Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Best and brightest?

Ok, so....now that Obama himself has decided that Obamacare is a train wreck, he announced that he's bringing in "the best and brightest" to fix it.

Couple questions:


Why would he treat this any differently than he has treated anything in the past six years? After all, didn't he get elected into a government that was FAR more of a disaster (because of Bush) than Obamacare? Wasn't government broken?

Yes, according to him, it was.

And how did he "fix" it? Did Obama bring in the "best and brightest"?

NO! He brought in academics; people who (aside from dodging taxes and committing all manner of felonies) haven't achieved anything meaningful in their lives.

THEY ARE ALL ACADEMICS; those who preach what they have never actually done.


If Obama is NOW bringing in the "best and brightest", who, exactly, designed the Obamacare operating systems and software?

One can only conclude that, if the best and brightest are required to fix this mess, then the mess was created by the "worst and dumbest"...

....which pretty much sums up the Obama administration.

Hirota: out.

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