Thursday, October 17, 2013

Norman Thomas was right.

We've got Obamacare, which is an unmitigated, completely out of control, disaster.

We've got the debt limit increase, stuffed with personal goodies for politicians.

We've got a Government machine-gunning the citizenry in order to get Republicans to collapse on the budget bill.

We have unprecedented, open attacks by the Federal Government on the Catholic Church.

We have a President who voted to butcher children AFTER they were born.

We've got uncontrolled agencies (IRS, NSA, others) gathering data illegally on US citizens.

We've got a Government attempting to confiscate means of self-protection and self-defense.

The US Post Office is bankrupt.

Social Security is bankrupt.

Medicare is bankrupt.

Public schools are among the lowest performing educational institutions on the planet.


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