Conservatives fought and, for the time being, won.
Attempting to pass a bullish** debt limit increase, Boehner, along with the rest of the Liberal Republicans (I'll try to find the vote count, so that the rest of the Liberal Republicans can be exposed and defeated in the next election cycles) failed to silence the TRUE Republicans (the Conservatives).
Thank God.
The fight, however, continues.....
A couple thoughts about that:
1. Contrary to how the media will no doubt portray this (well...the media, the Democrats AND the Liberal Republicans), the government ISN'T "broken". In fact, this is EXACTLY how the Constitution mandates the government to work. It's called balance. The condemners' idea of "balance" is "do what we say and shut up!" (It doesn't work for bullies anywhere; and that is EXACTLY what the Liberals are: BULLIES.
2. IF the government defaults, America WON'T go away. IF the government defaults, America will ABSOLUTELY end up stronger because of the default (with help from you, when you make those Liberals go away). IF the government defaults, it will be BECAUSE YOU.....REAL Americans....took stand to pull America back from the brink of collapse.
What to do now?
What can YOU do?
Keep up the heat. Make calls. Write emails. Write opinion pieces to news agencies. FIGHT. Or rather....CONTINUE FIGHTING to restore this GREAT country to it's Constitutional principles.
If they win, YOU lose. And your children lose.
The choice is yours. Yours alone.
I hope you choose wisely.
I know what I choose......
Hirota: out.
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