Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Liberals (ALL Democrats and many Republicans) vs Conservatives, 101

From the Vagabond Theorist:

“In order to maintain social control, the lives of individuals have to be stolen away. In their place, we received economic survival, the tedious existence of work and pay. We cannot buy our lives back, nor can we beg them back. Our lives will only be our own when we steal them back — and that means taking what we want without asking permission.”

I'd like to clarify part of this.....

The first part, "In order to maintain social control, the lives of individuals have to be stolen away. In their place, we received economic survival, the tedious existence of work and pay", PERFECTLY describes the America envisioned by The Democratic Party in general, Obama specifically.

The rest, however, is nearly without direction and, honestly, isn't a real solution:

"We cannot buy our lives back, nor can we beg them back. Our lives will only be our own when we steal them back — and that means taking what we want without asking permission.”

Here's how it SHOULD read....to Conservatives:

“We cannot buy our lives back, nor can we beg them back. Our lives will only be our own when we TAKE them back — and that means doing whatever is necessary, by any means necessary, up to and including the use of violence, to take back what is RIGHTFULLY ours; given to us by God."


Now I feel a LOT better.


PLAN on losing EVERYTHING you aren't willing to fight, die or kill, for.

(Sorry for the crappy grammar)

Hirota: out.

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