Thursday, September 11, 2014

A POWERFUL lesson in history......

Please, folks....PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.......send this to EVERYONE.

100% of the person to person debates I have about the upcoming election (2016) revolves around one....and only one....thought:

"The ONLY chance the Republicans have to win is to have a "moderate" run".


Well, folks, I'm here to tell you...and them.....that that is WRONG.

In fact, I'll go further:

If the Republicans nominate a Conservative (a REAL Conservative; NOT a CINO), they will win, and they will win BIG!

Crystal ball?  Sort of, but MY crystal ball sees the past.

And here's what it sees:

In the 1980 general elections, Jimmy Carter (the SECOND worst President in US history...and an extremist Liberal) was up against Ronald Reagan.

As the incumbent, Carter had the clear advantage (incumbents always do).

In addition, the press, of course, was as the press is now: Liberal to the extreme, which meant that they did EVERYTHING they could to prop up Carter and expended equal or greater amounts of efforts in burying Reagan (this is how it STILL works today).

Yet, Reagan, who campaigned as a STAUNCH, UNAPOLOGETIC Conservative, took 489 electoral votes to Carter's 49.

Arguably, it was the clearest mandate in US election history.

THEN, in 1984, AFTER Reagan PROVED that he was, in fact, a staunch, unapologetic Conservative, he went head to head with team Mondale/Ferraro (extremist Liberals, again).

That election resulted in Reagan taking 525 electoral votes, to Mondale's....15.

THE clearest mandate in US election history.

Was it because Reagan was a Moderate? No.

It was because he was a Conservative; first he campaigned as one, then he PROVED it.

In 2016, Republicans will nominate a candidate to run in an open election.

Make NO mistakes: Democrats will nominate an extremist Liberal: Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama, Jerry Brown or Gabby Giffords (those are my likely guesses).

If the GOP nominates a "moderate", the Democrats will win.....either way.

The ONLY hope that Republicans have to win in 2016 (and, BTW, begin the process of moving AWAY from Socialism) will be to nominate a SOLID, STAUNCH, UNAPOLOGETIC Conservative.

Mark my words: if the GOP nominates a "moderate", they will LOSE the election, no matter HOW bad the Democrat candidate is.

The choice is YOURS, folks.

If you choose to sit this one out, or NOT educate others, or be an activist at SOME level: YOU effectively vote for Socialism.

.....your children, I'm sure, will thank you.

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