Saturday, September 20, 2014

I'll spell it out....

If you haven't already come to this rather obvious conclusion or, for whatever reason, don't really understand the 'why' or, once you HAVE arrived at the only possible conclusion, simply cannot believe it.......let me spell it out:


As to the "why":

1. This is part of the radical handbook. Acts of terrorism cower the citizenry, making them compliant....ripe for submission to authority. Continued threats keep them in line.

2. Democrats are setting up the circumstances to make them look like hawks (really, saviors to Liberals). (Go research the Cuban Missile Crisis.......)

3. Democrats are also, as a contingency, setting up the circumstances to condemn any action taken by a Republican President (should one be elected), should that terrorist attack happen under a different administration. (Think 9/11).

Folks, this is nothing more than an aspect of radicalism. Obama IS a radical Socialist. This IS part of the playbook.

To the "Obama is a true patriot" crowd:

You are cattle and you are too stupid to survive. Please don't breed.

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