Thursday, September 4, 2014

Conservatives: this is a teaching moment....

Check out this article:

Now, check out this report:

You're, hopefully, seeing these kinds of things nationwide. "Hopefully" not in their happening, but rather "hopefully" in your noticing.

And notice you SHOULD, because these incidences are PERFECT teaching moments.

And you, me, we ALL should be taking time to educate those who CAN be educated (hint: NOT Liberals). Think Independents. Think GOP moderates. Think ANYONE WHO WOULD EVER CONSIDER VOTING FOR A DEMOCRAT.

How often do you hear a Democrat promising to "tax the wealthy" or "tax only the highest wage earners"? In street terms, you hear "soak the rich".

It's a constant theme to the Democrat Party rhetoric.

And, let's get this straight: THIS IS 100% DEMOCRAT PARTY.  The ONLY Republicans might....MIGHT....hint at taxes targeted at "the rich" are Liberals, calling themselves Republicans (think John McCain and Scott Brown).

Here's the problem:

When "the rich" get taxed (or "big corporate", for that matter), they pass those taxes on TO YOU!

Why do you think the cost of goods and services, over the last two years, have increased 30%???

So, American voters (the ones who vote "D"), when you vote for someone because that person is promising to stick it to the rich, you are, in fact, sticking it to yourself! And, you're sticking it to the poor.

If you, American voter, REALLY want to improve the fiscal lives and health of the poor and middle class, then improve their buying power. And the ONLY way to do that is to lower taxes across the board.

Lowering taxes does two HUGE things (not the only things, but these are two biggies):

1. Lower taxes effectively increase YOUR wages, since you keep more of your hard-earned money.
2. Lower taxes LOWERS PRICES for goods and services......which increase your wages EVEN FURTHER!

Democrats KNOW, for fact, that you aren't going to do the research. They are banking on it. And, for many years, they've been exactly right.

PLEASE. I implore you.......pass this around. Educate people. Go head to head with Liberals (it's really ok to do that).

For God's sake: GET ACTIVE!

Or, FOR SURE, you will lose your freedoms and liberty.

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