Sunday, September 14, 2014

What does he mean "if"?

Obama's lack of understanding on display.


THIS is what you get when you a) fail to do the research....TWICE, b) trust a politician...ANY POLITICIAN and c) elect into the highest executive management position a person who has never ANY level.

The Democrats are already sharpening their shears for the 2016 fleecing.

Based on the soon-to-be-aired "Madam Secretary", their clear frontrunner is Hillary. The Democrats KNOW, FOR FACT, that their constituents....their flock...will watch this load of fignya and, without question, accept is as gospel truth.

Democrats are like that. No need for fact. No need for research. No need for common sense.

If their gods say it, it is absolute truth.

The people on the other side.....the sentient, common sense thinkers.....MUST fight. You MUST be an activist. You MUST do whatever it takes to stop this relentless push toward Socialism.


Socialism has NEVER taken over political systems, where the citizenry actively opposed it.

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