Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Spin. And not even GOOD spin.


I can see the headlines now: "White House Spokesman wins 'Dancing with the Stars'"!

And what a dance it is.

Faced with direct quotes, timelines and facts, the tap dance was two left feet.

BUT....at least he didn't do the usual "blame Bush" this time.

Rather, he drove the bus over the Iraqis.  Nice. 

The bottom line is this:

Iraq is a disaster BECAUSE our idiot-in-chief pulled the US troops out. Period.

Bush warned him about it.

Romney warned him about it.

But like the gutless radical-wannabe that he is, he opted to do the popular thing (popular to the rest of the gutless radical-wannabes in the US).

Folks, evidently, YOU wanted 'coward' and 'incompetent'.

Well.....you got it.

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