What we WILL see.....GUARANTEED....is a lot of October LIES.
This is how the Democrats do it:
Starting, likely, the second week of October, on a Friday night, news will start coming out in various key Senate and Congressional states.
The news?
"Rumors" of Republican candidate wrongdoing. Sometimes strong suggestions of wrongdoing. Sometimes outright accusations of wrongdoing.
You'll be hearing everything.
It will ALL be strongly suggested that Hitler and Stalin did the same types of things.
"...reminiscent of the 40's...." and other highly-suggestive phrases will be laced into conversations and reports.
Then, the talk shows (TV) will be "debating" the worth and truth of these.....but will come up ultimately inconclusive.
There won't be time for the truth to get out.
And, of course, the truth will be this:
They will ALL be fabrications. Lies. Deliberate lies.
That's how they'll do it.
And it might just work.
It will depend ONLY on how intelligent YOU are.
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