Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Ever wonder WHY?

We've got the Middle East blowing up.
We've got incusions into US territory by Mexican army.
We've got Iran threatening to execute anti-governement protesters.
We've got Argentina confiscating US military supplies.
We've got Afghanistan devolving.
We've got Iraq devolving.
We've got Hazbollah threatening Israel.We've got reports of al Qaeda actively recruiting in the US.

And, all the while, the antagonists ignore the "Keystone Cops", Barry and Hillary. In fact, Obama and Clinton have been relegated to the "just sit down and shut up", "children should be seen, not heard" corner.

Ever wonder why?

The answer is simple folks:

These antagonists KNOW "stupid" when they see it.

(BTW, they also know "coward", "gutless", "incompetent", "bumbling idiot" and "hapless buffoon"when they see it, too....).

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