Saturday, February 26, 2011

Grounds for impeachment

"I, [name of the one taking the oath], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States so help me God."

So states the Presidential Oath of Office. These words are spoken and the oath sworn according to the mandates of the Constitution. And, as with all Presidents elected before him, Obama spoke these words and swore his oath.

This past week, The White House announced that Obama has instructed his administration to no longer support "The Defense of Marriage Act" (DOMA), an act, signed into law by Clinton in 1996, which fundamentally defines marriage as between one man and one woman.

Although under fire from "gay rights" groups and Liberal lawmakers from the moment of its inception, the Defense of Marriage Act remains Federal Law.

Obama's decision was arrived-at from a series of meetings with his Attorney General, Eric Holder. Together, they decided that one of the key provisions of the Act was unconstitutional. And so, together, the decision was made to cease defending the law and further forbid the Obama administration from defending it, as well.

Federal law, folks, IS the Constitution. The "Defense of Marriage Act" IS Constitutional Law. Therefore, the President is REQUIRED, BY LAW, to uphold and defend it. He cannot arbitrarily decide not to defend it, just as he cannot arbitrarily decide not to defend ANY other Federal law.

The ONLY way that Obama can simply set the law aside is if the law is overturned in Congress or if determined to be unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. NEITHER of these has happened.

THEREFORE, in deciding to no longer defend the Defense of Marriage Act, President Obama is in direct violation of his Oath of Office, and therefore is subject to the Articles of Impeachment.

Additionally, the fact that he (along with Holder) have specifically instructed the administration to ALSO "no longer defend the Defense of Marriage Act", any one of his administration who follows these instructions is guilty of conspiracy to violate Federal Law.

It is my hope that one of two things happen:
1. That Obama will change his mind and uphold the Constitution.....ALL OF IT.
2. That Conservatives in Congress will, in fact, file Articles of Impeachment against Obama.

I STRONGLY encourage all of you to write/call/contact your representatives and demand action. REMEMBER: Your activism has begun the process of bringing sanity back to American government and ONLY your activism will restore this country to its Constitutional greatness!

Hirota: OUT!


Jerry Klein said...

Putting the proverbial "cat among the pigeons" is precisely what a community organizer is trained to do. That our Organizer in Chief has complete disregard for the Constitution or the rule of law doesn't surprise me a bit. In fact, this just could be a carefully calculated ploy to take the focus off of the crushing Federal deficit and get people side-tracked onto an emotionally charged social issue like gay marriage. Wouldn't that be convenient!

Jerry in Dana Point

Anonymous said...

Excellent point, Jerry...a la Clinton's decision to conduct a bombing raid on the day of the opening of the Lewinski hearings...