Sunday, February 20, 2011

Nancy stands in solidarity?

Well, of COURSE she does! Pelosi, spokesperson for the radical Left, is only doing what she, as a Liberal, does best: marching in lockstep with the Unions and, with the power of her Federal influence, is meddling in a states-rights issue.

BUT, extremist Liberal Pelosi is doing something else, VERY Liberal, which has thus far gone unnoticed by the mainstream media.

You see, while she claims to fully and completely support Unions, she...herself...hates them. Nancy owns lots of, vineyards, various other, you'd think that she'd welcome, with open arms, Unions into her personal world.

Nope. No Unions allowed in Pelosi-owned businesses. In fact, she specifically forbids her employees to Unionize (an act which is against the law).

This, folks, should come as no surprise. Nancy is a Liberal: what did you expect?

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