Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Shame on.....Carter

Proof against the old saying "with age, wisdom", Jimmy Carter remains as stupid today as he was throughout the bumbling, ham-handed comedy show we call his Presidency.

Today in a speech, Carter stated emphatically that the Muslim Brotherhood were not to be feared, but rather should be welcomed into their potential leadership role in Egypt.

Folks, THIS statement, from the blithering idiot who thought the same of the Ayatollah Khomeini and, in placing his blind faith in the Ayatollah, ushered in the modern age of Islamic Terrorism.

To paraphrase: Fool him once, shame on Iran. Fool him twice, shame on Carter.

Post script: anyone inclined to believe Carter, I quote the famous master Jedi, Obi Wan Kenobi, who asked, "Who is the more foolish? The fool, or the fool who follows him?"


Anonymous said...

Maybe Carter is simply trying to reinforce his title as worst President of the last several decades so he won't lose it to B.O.


Hirota said...

He doesn't stand a'd be like me...a tragic golf hack...trying to beat Tiger Woods in a straight up game of golf...

Obama OWNS the 'worst president in history' title now!