Saturday, October 20, 2012

Liberals are playing a VERY dangerous game, part 2...

In the news today, it was announced that "international observers" will be overseeing elections in the US.

Yup....this UN group was requested by.....go figure....LIBERAL "civil rights" groups.

Their mission: to monitor elections and check and report on "voter intimidation" with a SPECIFIC focus ONLY on "Conservative groups".

Yup.....ONLY Convservative groups will be watched.

Aside from the fact that precisely ZERO cases involving "Conservative voter intimidation" has EVER occurred, Conservatives WILL be the target of what purely fabricated lies and accusations.

Meanwhile, EVERY conviction, in history, of ACTUAL voter intimidation and voter fraud has been....again, you guessed it....perpetrated by Liberals. ALL OF THEM.

So, this is part 2: the massive campaign to falsely charge Conservatives of election fraud, while Liberals are free to commit acts of voter intimidation and voter ID fraud.

Part 1 was all about voter ID and how Liberals WILL employ acts of fraud in order to stuff ballots.

Hirota: out.

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