Sorry I'm getting this out so late, folks, but.....
Here's how I voted (absentee):
President/Vice President: Mitt Romney/Paul Ryan (This is a simple choice between Liberty and tyranny. I chose Liberty)
US Senator: Elizabeth Emken (Again, a choice between Liberty and tyranny and, again, I chose Liberty)
US House of Representatives: Jerry Hayden (A choice between competence and utter incompetence. I chose competence)
Prop 30: NO. Anyone voting for new or renewed taxes, quite frankly, is an idiot. And, regarding THIS particular tax: does it occur to anyone that as funding for public schooling goes up, students' performance goes down? Meanwhile, in the private sector (you know...the sector that works), teachers make around 60% of the compensation of public school teachers.....and THEIR students attain at a VERY high level. 2+2= ????
Prop 31: YES. As long as California voters continue to elect idiots into our state government (you Brown and nearly the entire legislature), rules which limit their behavior are needed.....LOTS and LOTS of rules.
Prop 32: YES!!!! Defund the Unions and, frankly, put them out of business. The public Unions are a HUGE part of why California so screwed up.
Prop 33: YES.
Prop 34: NO!!! What part of the Due Process clause do Liberals NOT understand?????
Prop 35: YES!!! I think that this prop should be tied to Prop're a human trafficker, you are dead.
Prop 36: NO!!! This law has been hobbled enough. And now, Liberals are working to negate it altogether. Advice for criminals and two-timers in particular: DON'T DO THE FU**ING CRIME, IDIOT, OR YOU ARE GOING AWAY FOREVER!!!
Prop 37: NO. Let's not walk down the path of the idiots in New York, please?
Prop 38: NO!!!! (Please refer to notes on Prop 30). Let's not walk down the path of the idiots in Chicago, PLEASE!?!?
Prop 39: NO.
Prop 40: YES!!! It's often the only way some of these turds can be scraped off the bowl....
The choice, this year, as in ANY year, is really very simple: Liberty or Tyranny.
I'll choose Liberty EVERY time....which is why I vote Conservative....EVERY TIME!
Hirota: out.
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