Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Debate....

While the pundits are out analysing the results of the first Presidential debate and the Mainstream Media, along with their masters, the DNC, are out desperately attempting damage control, I'd just like to weigh in on a couple things....

1. Al Gore. He stated, today, that "altitude" was the reason why Obama performed so poorly. Stated Mr. I-Made-MILLIONS-and-MILLIONS-off-you-idiots-through-my-climate-change-crap Gore, "Obama arrived in Denver at 2 p.m. today — just a few hours before the debate started.  Romney did his debate prep in Denver. When you go to 5,000 feet, and you only have a few hours to adjust, I don't know...". This is the best the Democrats have?

....that's just ONE reason I love Al.......he's like a court jester or a circus clown....always good for a laugh!

2. Damage control. The BIGGEST thing I've read is that Obama "didn't bring his 'A' game". Well, I have news for you Liberals......Obama doesn't HAVE an "A" game. We just saw what Obama is REALLY about; without his teleprompter, without a carefully-controlled set of questions, without a carefully-selected audience, without aggressively-controlled "rebuttals". What you saw last night, folks, is the REAL OBAMA.

3. The differences. This debate CLEARLY exposed the REAL differences between, not only these two candidates, but also the differences in their ideologies. Consider:
     - Romney (a Conservative) bases his policy, both foreign and domestic, on THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. This is EXACTLY how the Framers intended our Government to work. Obama (a Liberal) bases HIS policy, both foreign and domestic, on the MARX/ENGELS model. This is EXACTLY what our Framers FEARED and why, as a result, they wrote THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES!
     - Romney, even without being in the Oval Office, showed CLEAR understanding of the issues. Obama, on the other hand, BEING THE GUY IN THE OVAL OFFICE, was clueless. A bad night? The altitude? Not a great debater? NOPE: Obama was clueless last night because.....HE'S CLUELESS. He has absolutely NO gasp on the issues. Much like Biden, who spent 34 years in the Senate and, throughout that time, had NO IDEA that the Vice President of the United States is also the President of the Senate, Obama hasn't a clue about a) how to govern, b) how to lead and c) how to understand the issues.

4. Finally. Nothing about last night surprised me. It turned out EXACTLY as I suspected. Those who asked my opinion of the (then) upcoming debate, my response was, "Obama is going to have his ass handed to him."  And, now, I can be on record: What's my opinion about the Biden/Ryan debate? Seriously, do you REALLY need to ask? It'll be a blowout. Biden is going to get SHELLACKED. And, Ryan will do it with grace, poise and clarity.

Hirota: out.


Peter said...

Cleary, the best description I have heard so far is that Romney eviscerated Obama. Watching Dummy's demeaner looked like a school boy being scolded for not learning his lessons.
Stick a dunce cap on him.

Martin said...

On MR tax plan: Flip-Flopping will not win the White House.

I believe MR is the Apple computer of politics, very elegant, very elite, and very disconnected from the people. I believe that just like Apple, it will choke with our nation's current problems and he will have a heck of a tough time delivering his campaign promises if the American People make the mistake of voting in his favor.

He still have some political growing to do, let him ripe, maybe another 4 years on the bench will do.

Common Sense said...


Your points, while interesting, are completely groundless. I'd appreciate if you'd....right here on this blog...provide proff of your characterizations. Short of that, it's all unqualified opinion which, to a Conservative, is meaningless.

I DO find it interesting, though, that you suggest that Romney still has "political growing" to do.
As I assume you voted for Obama in 2008, you certainly weren't concerned about HIS lack of ANY executive management experience...or his lack of legislative experience (he authored ZERO bills as a US Senator).

Finally, I find it interesting that you characterize Romney as "disconnected", while, EVEN YOUR POLLS show him "connecting" with 67% of voters last night....
Perhaps a bit of fact-checking might help you see things a bit clearer....but I doubt it.

Facts, Martin....FACTS. You want to go toe to toe with a Conservative, bring FACTS....and HISTORY.


Peter said...

Hey Martin: It's funny that you should compare Mitt Romney to Apple. If Apple is so disconnected from the people, how is it that they are tooling products that are in wild a the people that they supposedly keep at such a disance? Not to mention that, if they didn't have the pulse of the people, how could they be the most successful company in the world for 2012? Additionally, your comparison is really pretty good because you CERTAINLY couldn't compare Obama to Apple....Apple actually KNOWS how to run and build a successful business employing thousands of people. About the only thing that Obama and Apple have in common is that both of them have spent money overseas....Apple successfully for components, Obama for failed wind-energy companies. I agree with Common Sense......When you want to make an assertion, ridiculous rhetoric. FACTS ONLY.