Tuesday, December 4, 2012

A lesson to be learned.....too late...

By now, I'm sure you HAVEN'T heard that Walmart is going to be dropping insurance for new hires and many part-time employees....

Not that it matters at this point, since Obamacare is the law of the land, FOREVER, but this is a PERFECT example of a) how Obamacare works and b) the TRUE intent of Obamacare.

Walmart, who, because of their vast buying power, is able to offer quality goods to low-income families. (This, for Liberals, means: THEY ARE BENEFICIAL TO POOR PEOPLE....EVEN POOR, BLACK PEOPLE). But, for the mere fact that Walmart is not a government-run program, Liberals HATE them. 

Now, with Obamacare looming, Walmart if faced with some unsavory choices:

- Drop healthcare coverage to employees (which forces those employees into a miserable, government-run joke)

- Massive layoffs (which makes Liberals' beloved "middle class" collapse into "lower class", again forcing gevernment dependency) in order to salvage healthcare coverage to those who are left

- Raise prices to consumers (which screws over middle AND lower class families)

Let's be CLEAR about two things:

1. There are NO "pluses" in this (or any Obamacare) situation. ZERO.

2. This is EXACTLY the intent of Obamacare

Walmart is only the tip of the iceberg, folks. This scenario will play out EVERYWHERE.

AND, it will be compounded by the TRILLIONS in new taxes coming VERY soon....like, January.

But, THIS is obviously exactly what the American people wanted.....

Congratulations! You now own it.

Hirota: out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen! It's hard to believe that over 50 percent of Americans are idiots!