Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Gun buyback programs

Ya know, I used to pretty much condemn gun buyback and gun trade-in programs.

I mean...REALLY? How stupid do you have to be to voluntarily give up your ONLY means of defense against your own out-of-control government???!!!

And certainly, LOTS of them are going on right now!

Then it occurred to me.....

The only people turning their guns in are the morons who are LEAST likely to be trusted with them....least likely to know how to use them....least likely to understand the Second Amendment....least likely to fully understand the awesome responsibility that comes with owning a gun....

You know....Liberals.

So, now I'm a HUGE fan of these programs!

Let's face it: disarming Liberals is the ONLY gun control that makes sense and that WILL actually reduce violent crime.

...and look at it from a 'hopeful' point of view:

"Those who beat their swords into plowshares will plow for those who don't"....(snicker)

Hirota: out.

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