Monday, December 17, 2012

OK........let the betting begin.....

Tim Scott is screwed.

He's VERY Conservative.
He's male.
He's 100% PRO-LIFE.

....and.....he's black!

Unusual circumstances? Nope. Not at all.

But you see, Liberals will treat Scott as if he escaped off their plantation.

So, culling from past comments (ALL by Liberals), how will Scott be described?

"The Oreo-est of Oreos"?
"The Uncle Tommiest of Uncle Toms"?
"The house niggerest of house niggers"?

Or will they show the kind of grace that only Harry Reid seems to evoke...

Will Scott be the SECOND "light-skinned African American" who has " negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one."

YES, folks, ALL of these disgusting things have been said about blacks.....REPUBLICAN blacks.

And they've ALL been said by Liberals.

Hirota: out.

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