Tuesday, December 11, 2012

I wouldn't waste the piss.....

Well, sometimes-winner Ed Asner (winner, by the way, of the "dumb-as-a-bag-of-hammers" award) is a SERIOUS contender for this years' title.

Honestly, though, he's going to have a tough time beating perrenial favorites like Sean Penn, George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Babs Streisand and a host of other Hollywood morons.

Honestly, too, he'll have a tough time beating rookie-of-the-year contender Katy Perry....

BUT, I have confidence in you, Ed.

You brought bodily functions into the debate. It's like that in Liberal world....where, like their direct relatives, the apes, they like to hurl their own feces by way of discussion...

Says Ed, the boob, Asner, that he'd like to "piss on Sean Hannity".


Ed, ya know....the only thing you are really missing is another "S" in your name....

Hirota: out.

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