Friday, December 14, 2012

It will, unfortunately, be the same old story....

Yes, the same old story....which will be ignored by the Liberal media.

Instead, we're going to see more "Bob Costa-ing" about gun control which, of course, has NOTHING to do with the point....

Ryan Lanza, the loser who opened fire at a school today, will be found to be... Obama-loving Liberal.

And, as usual, the Liberal media will fail to mention this, ESPECIALLY since it's the only thing that REALLY matters, since it's the ONE thing that this tragedy shares in common with nearly ALL other like tragedies:


It ISN'T about guns.

It ISN'T about drugs.

It ISN'T about schools.

....and it ISN'T about black clothing. (Remember, after the Columbine shooting, the idiot Liberals' first "act" was to attempt to ban black overcoats since the shooters wore black overcoats........morons.)


Or rather, the CONSEQUENCES of Liberalism.

As I say CONSTANTLY: I DO believe in gun control. I believe that Liberals should NOT be allowed to have guns.

Hirota: greatly saddened.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said my friend!!! Marty