Monday, December 10, 2012

An important moment in history

The 2012 election, all told, cost over $2 billion.


Yet, ask anyone.....Conservative or Liberal....and they'll tell you that they HATE the money involved in the election process.

Voters HATE PAC money.
Voters HATE "special interest" money.
Voters HATE "big corporate" or "union" money.

...all the while...

Politicians condemn PAC money.
Politicians condemn "special interest" money.
Politicians condemn "big corporate" or "union" money.


BOTH these groups, politicians and voters, are addicted to all this money like it's a drug. And, truly, it is; since it encourages dependency and complacency and ever higher levels of addiction.


At this moment in history, like never before, Americans have the ability to stop the cycle of spend-depend, spend-depend....

It's called THE INTERNET.

Imagine a political campaign run almost entirely via the web....

What's it cost to get the word out?  Pretty much NOTHING.

How much PAC money is needed? NONE.

How much "big corporate" or "union" money is needed? NONE.

How much "special interest" money is needed? NONE.

Hypothetically, a person could run for ANY office, including the Presidency, an WIN, while expending almost NO money and taking ZERO dollars from any special interest, union, corporation or PAC!



Hirota: out.

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