Saturday, December 1, 2012

"Tongue-in-cheek" prediction...

But,, it's only a LITTLE BIT tongue-in-cheek....

Mel Reynolds is running for Jesse Jackson, Jr's Congressional seat. Jesse, that chip off the old block, is resigning due to "mental health issues" and, oh by the way, an intensive FBI investigation, which is currently running.

(Ya know, for me, I'm am ever relieved and comforted that our president comes from a political town KNOWN for its honesty, integrity and morals....)

Anyhoo, back to Mel.....

Reynolds USED to hold a Congressional seat. In fact, it's the same Congressional seat currently...well...formally...occupied by Jackson, Jr.

Reynold LOST that seat NOT in an election, but rather a CONVICTION.

Seems he's a convicted sex offender (or in Liberal parlance: "one of the boys").  And he did time for it (probably on the same cell block as the rest of Chicago's Democratic Party politicians....).

Well, not only is Reynolds a convicted sex offender (he had sex with an underage...16...campaign worker), but he's also convicted of misusing campaign funds (maybe he tried to use them to pay the 16 year old off...who knows....).

And now, he's running for office.

Which, to me, makes perfect sense. He DOES, after all, have the proper credentials (for Liberals):

- He's black
- He's been convicted of a crime (the fact that he's convicted of a MAJOR FELONY gives him HUGE points for Liberals)
- He's black
- He's abused campaign funds
- He's black
- And, finally......he's black.'s my prediction:

Based on his felony conviction, campaign fund abuse and his "blackness", I think he's going to give Hillary a SERIOUS run in 2016!

(Imagine THAT Cabinet: Alcee Hastings, Maxine Waters, Charlie Rangel and he'll bring back William Jeffereson.

Hirota: out.

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